Minggu, 28 April 2013

Asli Indo Ini :*

"Memayu hayuning pribadi; memayu hayuning kulawarga; memayu hayuning sesama; memayu hayuning bawana"

(Artinya berbuat baik bagi diri sendiri, keluarga, sesama manusia, makhluk hidup dan seluruh dunia.)

Versi Jawa "Asli Indo" :))

"Kawula mung saderma, mobah-mosik kersaning Hyang sukmo."

Jumat, 26 April 2013

"Don't judge me. You can't handle half of what I've dealt with. There's a reason I do the things I do, there's a reason I am who I am."

Rabu, 24 April 2013

Keangkuhan ku

Keangkuhan ku
November 2, 2010 by Mayank

Mengapa kau kutinggalkan,.?
Mengapa ku bersamanya,.?
Ego dan keangkuhanku
mengalahkan cinta

Andai waktu dapat kembali
Andai tuhan mengijinkan kita bertemu
Ingin kukatakan ,.,
Ku takkan pernah mau melepasmu
Karena kau Cinta terbaik ku

If I, Should I?

If I, Should I?
by williambrown

If i climb starways to heaven, will I miss out the stars?
If I just lay right here, who's to stop the cars?
If I meet with your skin, who will see my scars?
Is this really my cage, when I can see no bars?

Should I take the first step, or should I sit and wait?
Should I turn towards, or quicken up my gait?
Should I question why, or accept it as my fate?
Is the time now right, or is it far too late?

My Heart Beat

My Heart Beat
© By Wesley Bullock

The sound of my heart beat is racing 
I always thinking of you pacing into my arms let me hold you tight only thing 
I want from you is to smile cause your smile is bright as the sunlight i might have been fallen into your love i can see at top nobody else above it 
I will search high or low just see you and hear you talk never have no fear i'm never gonna break your heart I know we can't be rushing it feels like my heart is gushing out my chest 
I just wanna say pick me and i can do better for than the rest i can show you whos the best my heart is racing more im still waiting you pace into my arms if you wanna hear them three words 
I love you if thats the case

Senin, 22 April 2013

Soul's Treasure

A Friend is a Treasure
A friend is someone we turn to,
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure,
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives,
with beauty, joy and grace.
And make the world we live in,
a better and happier place.

A Friend

A friend like a shade tree 
Beside a summer way.
A friends like the sunshine
That makes a perfect day.
A friends like a flowers
That's worn close to the heart.
A friends is like a treasure 
With which one will not part.

Friendships Come and Friendships Go :"

Friendships come and Friendships go
 Like wave upon the sand 
Like day and night 
Like birds and flight
Like snowflakes when they land 
But you and I are something else
Our friendship's here to stay
Like weeds and rocks and dirty socks
It never goes away!

Just Being Friends

"Friendship happens in that special moment when someone reaches out to another, trusts, comforts, believes in another, and makes a special difference that no one else can make."

Minggu, 21 April 2013

CFD (Car Free Day) :*


                    "Sekilas foto CFD minggu tgl 21 April 2013. Ini gayanya pada beda-beda dan tentunya ini diambil waktu di tengah jalan. Tapi ada juga kok yang diambil depan rumah salah satu temen kami."

Jumat, 19 April 2013


"Tanpa gw lo ga mati khan?? jadi buat apa gw harus care sama orang yang ga tau diri kayak lo itu ??"



By Stephanie Hanarany T.

Something is missing in my loneliness now
My morning now is not cheerfully as yesterday,
When your voice still I hear
The night wind knows ... is cold without you ...
Stars are reluctant to come out ...

Empty ...! sky like dead
When the sun come back ... Warm soul I guess ...
Help ... Melt the frozen heart ...
Best friend .. Lonely now is belong to me... Yours, ours
But it not forever

Don’t stop friends ... The road is still long ...
A handful of despair ... You have to reach ... Now or later ...
You certainly can ... Pursue all goals ...
Dreams that you dreamed


By: Stephanie Hanarany T.

When rain began to fall
Darkness enveloped everyone
You came to bring me a rainbow,
when the rain of wounds

were dance on the smarting...
You present the most beautiful smile,
when i'm lost in the darkness...
Whit i wouldn't be forget,

when you bring me into life...
Whit i wouldn't be forget,
when your smile,
be the only breathe for me...


Oleh Kahlil Gibran

Tujuh kali aku pernah mencela jiwaku,
pertama kali ketika aku melihatnya lemah,
padahal seharusnya ia bisa kuat.

Kedua kali ketika melihatnya berjalan terjongket-jongket
dihadapan orang yang lumpuh

Ketiga kali ketika berhadapan dengan pilihan yang sulit dan mudah
ia memilih yang mudah

Keempat kalinya, ketika ia melakukan kesalahan dan cuba menghibur diri
dengan mengatakan bahawa semua orang juga melakukan kesalahan

Kelima kali, ia menghindar kerana takut, lalu mengatakannya sebagai sabar

Keenam kali, ketika ia mengejek kepada seraut wajah buruk
padahal ia tahu, bahawa wajah itu adalah salah satu topeng yang sering ia pakai

Dan ketujuh, ketika ia menyanyikan lagu pujian dan menganggap itu sebagai suatu yang bermanfaat


By: Mych Ryan

Here I am, standing in the brink of the day
Staring at the sun that has gone away
And a smile upon your face,
Make me never wanna leave this place

There you are, hardly I can see cause you just so far
I see your eyes blinking, are you a star?
But I remember you said you’re a moon
So I should have seen you soon

And here we are now,
You come to me somehow
You are getting closer and closer,
But why I feel like a stranger?

I remember,
It’s been 365 nights since the last goodbye
It’s too long for me, that’s the reason why

Now please come down, get lower
I’m on the top of the tower and can’t go higher
I have something to say to you
I need to tell you, that… I wanna stop loving you


By: Mych Ryan

It’s always hurt to see you cry
To see tears falling like rain from the sky
And there’s no answer for why
I never question myself, I never try

It’s always hurt to know there’s nothing I can do
And fact that I don’t even know what to do
It’s so sad but so true
Feels like the color blue

Someday we’ll see we were wrong
And then we realize the day has done
Time won’t turn back, it’s no use to regret
It’s not easy to say good bye, but someway we have to try

Sometimes it’s hurt to remember
About the days we had together
And a piece of heart inside me
Carved with your smile, you can see…

It was the day when I used to care
Think about you, anytime, anywhere
The day when I used to drive you home
When the night was so cold and you were alone

That’s just history, saved properly in my memory
Now we are so far and so different, and yet so silent….
No voices when you say, just few words on my display
That’s OK. Thanks anyway….

I’m sad about the problem you had
But don’t worry my friend,
I’ll be the man when you look behind


By Gan'ds Abadi

Smile ..
your smile make me happy .
when we laugh together .
i fell happy when we share the pain .
because you are my bestfriend .
sometimes i fell sad because u make me heard .
but i know you'llbe my bestfriend .

Friends ..
thanks foe erevything .
erevything tou can do and do it for me .

"Please, comments my blog and give suggestions on my blog this time. Feel free to interact on my blog."

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

Kamis, 18 April 2013

18 April 2013

"Hari ini gw ngerasa bersalah sama seseorang udh nyakitin dy. Tapi, mungkin ini yang terbaik dan mungkin juga dia akan dapetin yang terbaik. Aku minta mf kalopun hari ini ga bisa buat kamu bahagia malah sebaliknya. Tapi aku yakin kamu bener-bener akan dapetin yang kamu harapin nanti."

Selasa, 16 April 2013

Kehilangan -__-"

"Bener-bener ngerasa kehilangan kalian dan bahkan sekarang ga bisa liat kalian saat-saat maen bersama. Kucingku udh mati 3 sekarang tinggal 7 dan ga ada yang lucu lagii kayak dulu :( "

Ga Peduli Mau Ngmng Ap

" Mau orang ngomong apa tentang kamu bahkan orng itu ngejudge kamu sampek kyk apa, aku bakalan tetep sayang ke kamu. Dan disitu kamu bakal tau seberapa besar sayangku ke kamu :) "

Yang Dulu :(

"wktu gw liat lo foto pas maen biliard gw jadi keinget sama yg dulu-dulu bahkan suka bgt malahn sama yg namanya biliard itu :( "

Nyadar Dikit Woooiiiii

"kamunya aja ga pernah nyadar sama apa yang udh aku rasain saat ini :( "

Senin, 15 April 2013

Sahabat ato Apa ini???

"Pajak. Pajak aja bayarnya wajib pakai uang masa' milih sahabat juga wajib pakai uang biar dapet kualitas yang bagus, ga ember, dan tahan banting??"

Sempurna? Not Likely

"Semua orang emang ga ada yang sempurna tapi apa bener dengan sempurna bisa dapetin segalanya?? ga kan!!! Everything would be wonderful if it could be the best for everyone."

Pacar bukan Segalang

"Sekarang itu makin hari makin banyak yang buta. Butanya karena sahabat dijauhin cuma buat pacar. Itu yang paling mbutain semua orang."

Sahabat??? Bulshit

"Sahabat??? selama ini gw brusaha buat percaya sama lo 100% tanpa kurang tapi skrng kyk gini tha balesan dari lo?? fine, gpp bray asal lo tau gw juga bisa ikutin cara maen lo skrng"

Rabu, 10 April 2013

Senin, 08 April 2013

Relationship (⌣́_⌣̀)

"Hubungan itu ga selamanya abadi. Tapi sesungguhnya hubungan yang benar-benar dapat bertahan sampai kapan pun itu berawal dari sebuah kepercayaan, kejujuran, dan pengertian satu sama lain. Hingga maut yang akan memisahkan hubungan itu."

Minggu, 07 April 2013

Life Needs to be Specified (˚☐˚!!)

"Hidup itu harus terperinci. Seperti saat kita menghitung rumus matematika secara jeli. Dan di situlah kita tau bahwa hidup kita juga terperinci. Dari mulai bangun tidur sampai tidur lagi. 
Dari mulai prinsip hidup sampai riwayat hidup kita itu ada."

Ini Soal Hati (‾▽‾)♥(‾⌣‾)

"Setiap orang mungkin berpendapat berbeda tentang hati. Tapi, hati itu lebih mengerti apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Dan kita belum tentu menerima sepenuhnya pilihan dari hati kita sendiri. Dari 8 Miliar orang di dunia hanya 1 orang yang bisa memilih dengan hati dan menerima pilihan tersebut."

Sabtu, 06 April 2013


"Do not ever stop dreaming and try what has been your dream. Because, it's not always a 
dream turned into reality."